Sunday, May 22, 2005

May 22, 2005 Kiki Dr Undercover Police Drug Surveillance

Since I received your last email two days ago I have been working on trying to figure out who the stakeout officers were from. They were not from Pleasant Hill PD.

I understand Concord PD was working some kind of drug case in our city, but no one in Concord has told me it was them on Kiki.

It is possible Concord PD was only parked on Kiki and was actually watching another street and they don't know our city well enough to be able to tell me it was them when I asked if they were on Kiki.

In other words, they could be working a case on, say your street, and when I asked who was on Kiki, they don't realize they are actually the same area. On the other hand, it could be another agency altogether. As a matter of common courtesy they should notify us, but many times they don't.

I don't know if you recall we are being sued by a CHP officer who was pruned out at gunpoint by two of our officers when a citizen reported seeing a man with a gun. (He was in plain clothes at the time). CHP should have called us but never did.

Next time you make contact with them ask what agency they are with and ask for ID. Then call us a 288-4600 and we can do whatever we have to do to verify.

Regarding the solicitors, I don't see that many calls from the neighbors other than you and maybe a couple of others. Please let the neighbors know they should call us at 288-4600 and we will chase them away. Officer TC

Officer C admits that Concord Police were undercover doing drug surveillance recently in Pleasant Hill. It could have been the Concord cops seen scoping out on Kiki recently but I don’t know that for sure. It most definitely was Concord Police doing the stake out on Kiki because I asked them what they were watching for and they ID’ed themselves as being from Concord Police.

They were awaiting someone who was expected in the area and they were going to nab this person. That was all the info they gave me so I didn't push beyond that, but now wished I had.

It wouldn't be the first time I have heard about a rental home on Kiki that has young men with drug problems. This house is located near the elementary school. I am very interested in pressuring the owner to evict these tenants. Anyone able to let me know who owns this rental? I will pursue it for sure and would love if others would do the same once I get this information to share with you. Power in numbers. A police officer provided that tip last year.

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