Monday, July 6, 2009

Open Garage Door on a Crack =Invitation to Crime

Remember to fully close your garage doors, and never leave them open overnight.

There have been news stories about home invasions happening, and the point of entry has been garage doors that were mistakenly left open after dark.

Not only have we forgotten and left our door open on more than one occasion, but more importantly we didn't lock the door from the house to the garage.

Stay safe. Don't depend on your memory. Ultimately things happen and you will forget at some point.

Some folks feel that a partially opened door is safe and they trust that folks wouldn't enter. My answer to this is that even partially opened garage's are an open invitation for thugs.

Better safe than sorry. Leave nothing to chance here folks.

One neighbor's garage door opener was taken from his car which was parked in his open garage. If he didn't catch that in time and have a spare or the knowledge to change the code, thieves would have had their way with the contents of his garage, perhaps take a car or two, and perhaps his house too.

Another neighbor parked in his garage and ran inside to use the bathroom and by the time he returned someone had driven up, entered the garage and stole some tools. He came outside to find the thief running to the get away car.

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